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Live Webinar

Webinar with Samsung E&A: Uncovering New Energy-Saving Opportunities, Quickly and Digitally

Mandated to aggressively reduce emissions, today’s refining and chemical companies must also find new ways to improve energy efficiency and—in turn—margins. The sooner owner/operators uncover opportunities for improvement, the faster they can advance operational excellence goals.

Interactive Infographic

Optimize Project Design Decisions with Activated Analysis

Discover AspenTech's Activated Analysis, which simplifies the evaluation of cost, energy use, equipment design and emissions. Process engineers gain clear insights into design impacts, enabling smarter, faster decisions.

Live Webinar

Exploring the Transformative Capabilities of AspenTech Inmation™—The Industrial Data Fabric

Discover AspenTech Inmation, a cutting-edge industrial data fabric designed to optimize data-driven operations.

Live Webinar

Revolutionize Conceptual 3D Layouts with Generative AI

Developing automated 3D models during pre-FEED and FEED can drive down material costs, enhance asset visualization and help identify an optimal design early, minimizing revisions in later engineering phases.

Case Study

La compañía de petróleo y gas más grande de Argentina mejora la confiabilidad y eficiencia con Aspen Mtell®

YPF, la empresa de petróleo y gas más grande de Argentina, se asoció con AspenTech para transformar digitalmente sus operaciones, con el objetivo de cuadruplicar su valor al convertirse en un exportador de crudo y GNL, mientras mejoraban la eficiencia de sus refinerías.

Case Study

A Maior Empresa De Petróleo E Gás Da Argentina Melhora A Confiabilidade E Eficiência Com Aspen Mtell®

A YPF, a maior empresa de petróleo e gás da Argentina, fez parceria com a AspenTech para transformar digitalmente suas operações, com o objetivo de quadruplicar seu valor ao se tornar uma exportadora de petróleo bruto e GNL, enquanto melhora a eficiência das refinarias.

Interactive Infographic

How to Solve the Top Four Challenges in Geological Modeling

Exploration teams face major challenges when modeling complex subsurface geologies. See how AspenTech solutions tackle four of the toughest ones and optimize earth resource management through the creation of reliable 3D geological models.

On-Demand Webinar

Formation Evaluation Workflows to Improve Understanding of Carbon Storage Projects

Understanding key reservoir properties like porosity, permeability, and their interrelationships is crucial for accessing CO₂ injectivity and storage potential in carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects. Traditional regression techniques often fall short in complex reservoirs, where permeability can vary widely across multiple lithologies.

White Paper

Industrial AI: Purpose-Built to Deliver Value and Competitive Advantage

AspenTech Industrial AI™ is a game-changing technology for the process industries, combining the speed and power of AI algorithms with the efficiency and parameters of real-world domain expertise. Our purpose-built AI solutions bring together data insights, engineering fundamentals, asset knowledge and industry expertise, enabling companies to adapt and respond quicker to ever-changing business needs.

Interview with an Expert

Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning in Support of Subsurface Exploration & Production

Dr. Bruno de Ribet, an expert in the oil and gas E&P industry, explains how machine learning and Industrial AI have led to deeper insights into relationships in geological data, helping to understand the risks and prospectivity of reservoirs.

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