International Business Daily China
AspenTech CEO looking forward to contribute to Chinese energy saving intiatives
Nikkan Kogyo Newspaper Japan
Mitsui Chemicals' Ichihara works reduces costs by optimizing their boilers and turbines
Chemical World India
Empowerment through IT enabled solutions
Chemical Engineering
Simulation spreads it wings
Control Magazine
iPad hits plant floor
Automation World
Optimizing maintenance through information
Chemical Weekly India
Scheduling optimisation - how software solutions achieve success for specialty chemicals manufacturers
The Chemical Daily Japan
SCM technology to contribute to disaster reconstruction
Helping specialty chemicals companies build for a positive future - the key role of process optimisation
Hydrocarbon Processing - NPRA Conference Newspaper
Advancements in refinery product blending
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
iPad takes on manufacturing
Hydrocarbon Processing
A European refiner opts to apply embedded multivariable predictive controllers as part of an advanced process control system