
2021 Supply Chain Management Trends to Watch

Two supply chain trends are expected to continue in 2021: Resilient and Sustainable Supply Chains and Sales and Operations Execution (S&OE).

Case Study

Perstorp Develops KPI Production Portal to Focus Organization on Meeting Plant Production Targets

Large Specialty Chemical Company develops advanced KPI production partial portal tool using Aspen InfoPlus.21 tools, building upon their extensive Aspen InfoPlus.21 installation.


Case Study

Prescriptive Maintenance Software Helps Saras Improve Business Performance and Drive Operational Excellence

As part of an effort to drive reliability in its refinery operations, Saras turned to Aspen Mtell® prescriptive maintenance to improve equipment uptime and decrease maintenance costs.

Executive Brief

Executive Brief: The Time is Right for Optimum Reliability

Imagine a plant that is no longer at risk of a random shutdown. Imagine not worrying about losing a year’s worth of hard-fought optimization value in just two to three days due to a maintenance emergency. Through the science of maintenance, historical and real-time operational data combine to predict when a breakdown will occur with months — not just days — of advance notice.

Executive Brief



Case Study

Infineum Increases Production by 2,000 Tons per Year with Global Information Management System

Learn why this world-class specialty chemical producer turned to manufacturing execution systems (MES) solutions from AspenTech to improve manufacturing efficiency and increase annual production.

Case Study

Fluor Achieves Significant Time Savings in SRU Simulation

Learn how Fluor created a digital twin of their entire sulfur recovery unit, including recycle streams, in a single file using Aspen HYSYS® with Sulsim. Read this case study to find out how AspenTech’s solution for SRU optimization allows users to increase production, reduce OPEX and meet emissions regulations by modeling the complexities of the SRU and the full gas plant.

Executive Brief

셀프 옵티마이징 플랜트: 산업용 AI가 주도하는 자율 공장의 시대

오늘날의 VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity), 즉 시장의 변동성과 불확실성, 복잡성, 모호성이 가중되고 있는 상황에서 기업들은 인공지능(AI) 기술과 자율 및 반자율 기술을 활용하여 새로운 차원의 안전성과 지속가능성, 수익성을 달성하는 방법을 모색하고 있습니다. 이는 셀프 옵티마이징 플랜트(Self-Optimizing Plant)를 향한 여정의 시작을 의미합니다.

Executive Brief

自己最適化プラント: インダストリアルAIが支える、新時代の自律性


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