Data Management for Manufacturing Operations Management

Data must be prepared for analysis by removing bad values, dealing with missing values, aligning data from different systems and performing any required transformations. The skills for those tasks are anything but common. Automation can play a significant role in completing those tasks and others in the analysis workflows by supplementing the skills of users with best-practice based approaches to data conditioning. 


Aspen Mtell®: エージェントとは?

Aspen Mtellは、エージェントを使用してアセットの障害をより早く正確に認識する処方的メンテナンスソリューションです。 このビデオでは、エージェントとは何か、何をするのか、どのように作成されるのか、どのように機能するのかをご覧いただけます。


Aspen Unified, la nouvelle génération de planification et d'ordonnacement

Les raffineries du monde entier ont économisé des milliards de dollars en optimisant leur production et leurs chaînes d'approvisionnement en pétrole. Cependant, il existe encore plus d'opportunités, certaines en résolvant des problèmes opérationnels et d'autres en comblant les écarts entre la planification, l'ordonnancement et les opérations. Le marché mondial d’aujourd’hui continue de mettre les planificateurs au défi d’optimiser les opérations. La volatilité des prix et de la demande ont un impact sur les matières premières et la sélection des produits, tandis que les opportunités disponibles dans le marché nécessitent une prise de décision rapide et agile


Aspen Unified: la próxima generación en planificación y programación

Vea este video para conocer más de cómo Aspen Unified reúne la planificación y la programación en un solo ambiente para mejorar la toma de decisiones y obtener mayores márgenes. Descubra cómo puede automatizar las tareas rutinarias, como conciliar con datos reales de la planta, visualizar resultados, crear conjuntos de casos y crear el primer cronograma factible, lo que ahorra cientos de horas de trabajo al año.


Aspen Unified, 차세대 생산계획 및 스케줄링 소프트웨어

Aspen Unified 소프트웨어는 의사 결정을 향상시켜 수익을 높일 수 있도록 생산계획과 스케줄링을 단일화된 관리 환경으로 통합했습니다. 실제 공장 데이터와의 보정(Reconciliation), 결과물에 대한 시각화, 다양한 시나리오 케이스 생성 및 실행 가능한 스케줄 초안 수립 등 많은 일상적인 작업을 자동화하여 연간 수백 시간을 절약하는 방법에 대해 알아보십시오.


Представляем Aspen Unified

Нефтеперерабатывающие заводы уже сэкономили миллиарды долларов за счет оптимизации своих производств и цепочек поставок. Однако, все еще есть дополнительные возможности дальнейшей оптимизации как за счет решения оперативных производственных вопросов, так и за счет сокращения расхождения между объемным, календарным планированием и фактическим производством.


Introduction to Aspen Mtell

Learn how Aspen Mtell prescriptive maintenance uses Autonomous Agents to predict equipment failures, detect deviations from normal behavior and prescribe detailed actions to mitigate or solve future problems.

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Acid Gas Cleaning in Aspen HYSYS®

This “getting started” guide covers the process of creating a new case for Acid Gas Cleaning, setting up component lists and fluid packages, and working in the simulation environment to build the model. It is not meant to be a standalone reference document. Knowledge of Aspen HYSYS V10 is assumed for this guide.

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Activated Dynamics for Compressor Surge Analysis in Aspen HYSYS®

Activated Dynamics enables users to easily transition from steady-state models to dynamic models to better address costly compressor upset and failure. This guide will walk you through the process of using Activated Dynamics to get started with dynamics modeling compressor performance.

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How to Optimize the Disposal System With Staggered Analysis Using BLOWDOWN™ Technology

In this guide, you will be introduced to the tools in BLOWDOWN that can be used to perform staggered blowdown analysis. You will configure a simple analysis by using the Staggered Analysis tool, as well as a rigorous analysis using the Multi-Vessel Template.

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