Aspen Mtell

Aspen Mtell delivers the next generation of Asset Performance Management. It mines real-time asset condition and process data to find unique data patterns as predictions of future equipment behavior to deliver the earliest, most accurate warning of asset failures and unplanned downtime. 
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The competition is excited about a 75% alert success rate. We're not.

You need something you can rely on. Every Mtell message is a truthful, early, accurate forecast you can trust that delivers good prescriptive advice, helping you take affirmative action.

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Get notified BEFORE the damage is done.

Prescriptive Maintenance in Aspen Mtell® uses machine learning to prevent breakdowns, increase asset life, reduce maintenance costs and increase production output for any industrial process.

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Share the knowledge.

Learned behaviors (normal, degradation and failure) captured on one machine are readily transferred to equipment of the same type with the same sensor configuration. After a very short retraining period, every machine shares the same safety and breakdown protection.

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Self-maintaining systems.

When an anomaly is detected, Aspen Mtell dispatches alert notifications and requests for inspection. The results of inspection determines if the behavior is a failure signature or a new, normal operating state. The system trains itself to become smarter over time; learning and adapting to new asset operating conditions.