Geologic Modeling Workflows that Optimize Carbon Storage Projects

June 25, 2024, 9:00 AM CDT / 4:00 pm CEST

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is at the forefront of sustainability initiatives. As the demand for storage sites increases, there is a pressing need for subsurface technologies that accelerate project timelines—from permitting to monitoring.

Innovations in geologic modeling software tools facilitate better decision-making and ensure CCS project success.  

Join the discussion with our experts as they provide insight into how carbon storage studies can be executed more efficiently through geologic modeling workflows that enable:

  • Streamlining the site selection process through high-level reservoir screening
  • Ensuring project viability by performing reservoir characterization and building 3D models for flow simulation and geomechanical assessments
  • Reducing risks through a comprehensive geological uncertainty analysis
  • Increased productivity by facilitating rapid model updates with newly acquired data throughout the project lifecycle
There will be a Q&A session following the presentation, so please come prepared with your questions.