AspenTech Inmation™: Industry-Leading OT Data Fabric and Edge Software

June 19, 2024, 10:00 AM EDT / 4:00 PM CEST

Join Dr. Nina Schwalb, Vice President of AspenTech DataWorks, in her first-ever AspenTech webinar as she discusses AspenTech Inmation.

Drawing from her extensive experience as an end-user of AspenTech Inmation since 2017, Dr. Schwalb offers a unique viewpoint on the features necessary for software to effectively address customer challenges.

In this webinar, you will learn about:

  • Managing the complexities of industrial data management effectively 
  • Empowering stakeholders across the process industries to make data-informed decisions
  • Capturing more value from data from the edge to the cloud.

A Q&A session will follow, so come prepared with your questions.

AspenTech Inmation™: Industry-Leading OT Data Fabric and Edge Software

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