February 19, 2021

Highlights from Southeast Asian Customer Breakfast Dialogue with AspenTech CEO

Author: Sanjeev Mullick

The AspenTech Southeast Asia (SEA) team recently hosted an inaugural Breakfast Dialogue with Antonio Pietri, AspenTech President and CEO. The virtual event was attended by executives from the region w...

Optimize 2021

January 25, 2021


Author: Jack Ding (丁少杰)



January 14, 2021

Planning for the Unpredictable in Your Plant

Author: Heath Stephens, P.E.

Statistical methods can be used to improve plant efficiency. Aspen Fidelis can help you make smart capital investment choices during plant design or expansion.


December 17, 2020

Redefining Accelerated Digitalization in Asia for 2021

Author: Sanjeev Mullick

The 2020 global pandemic upended the world and reset the parameters for digital transformation. Looking ahead to 2021 we expect a continued focus on accelerated digitalization with AI will playing an ...

oil and gas, energy, coronavirus, 2020, transition

November 09, 2020

Has COVID-19 Defined a New Path for the Energy Industry?

Author: Dr. Carole Nakhle

The prevailing sentiment is that COVID-19 shock will be transitory and that the economy, energy demand and prices will adjust. So far, the crisis has left us with more questions than answers.

AI, machine learning, V12 PIMS-AO, HYSYS, AspenPlus

October 08, 2020

Push the Boundary of What's Possible with Aspen Hybrid Models™

Author: Ron Beck

The release of Aspen Hybrid Models in our V12 software release provides a major step forward for oil and gas, midstream, refining, petrochemicals and specialty chemicals.

AI, machine learning, predictive maintenance

October 07, 2020

You Can't Fake Culture

Author: Robert Golightly

A successful digital transformation program should focus on change management for people, as well as technology. To thrive in the current environment requires a corresponding culture change.

Accenture, partners, partnerships

September 30, 2020

Defining the Future – In Collaboration

Author: Paul Hughes

Accenture’s high value consultancy combined with AspenTech's innovative technology solutions offer energy, chemical and mining companies a path to greater resilience and agility.

Energy, Pharmaceuticals, Pharma, Polymers

September 29, 2020

Aspen Hybrid Models: The Next Generation of Process Simulation Technology

Author: Ron Beck

Aspen Hybrid Models promise a new generation of innovative process modeling. Learn why, and how this will change the course of the chemical and hydrocarbon industry.


September 16, 2020

Preparing for the Sustainability Future for Chemicals and Energy

Author: Paige Marie Morse

Some insightful takeaways from the recent ARC Strategies report indicating global industry leaders are focused on achieving sustainability targets via digital transformation.


September 15, 2020

The Technology of Aspen Unified™

Author: Zafar Ali

Aspen Unified™ takes a huge step toward the Self-Optimizing Plant and will transform the way process industries and manufacturers optimize production.


September 11, 2020

Digital Technologies That Are Transforming the Process Industries

Author: Lee Nichols

This blog is the first in a series focusing on those digital technologies that are helping provide the process industries with more efficient, safer, profitable and sustainable operations.
