IIoT and data warehouses

February 12, 2019

IIoT Platforms Are Today's Data Warehouses

Author: Mike Brooks

Realistically, isn’t the IIoT platform today’s incarnation of the data warehouse? Be wary of taking on an IIoT project without a clear business need.

maintenance analytics KPIs

January 08, 2019

What is Operational Excellence and Where Does Maintenance Analytics Fit?

Author: Mike Brooks

Maintenance analytics are a key component in driving utilization to achieve operational excellence.

Industrial Internet of Things

December 11, 2018

Applications for IIoT: What You Should Really Consider

Author: Mike Brooks

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is not just a technology or framework story. It's about picking the right problem to solve, then picking the correct application to solve it.

predicting remaining useful life

November 21, 2018

Remaining Useful Life: There’s More to It Than You Think

Author: Mike Brooks

Remaining useful life (RUL) is a key metric for predictive maintenance applications. However, the concept is flawed.

Digitalization, IIoT, Cloud — That's the Answer, but What's the Question?

July 10, 2018

Digitalization, IIoT, Cloud — That's the Answer, But What's the Question?

Author: Mike Brooks

Before you make the leap into these shiny new advances, you’ve got to really understand the problem that needs to be solved — or you could be embarking on a misguided technology journey.
